Original Posi-Pour. Made In USA.
We've become like Kleenex in the tissue world. Every tissue, regardless of manufacturer or country of origin, is commonly called a Kleenex.
That's the case with portion control pour spouts. Everyone refers to all of them as "Posi-Pours", regardless of who makes them or where they're made. We have conversations almost daily here with folks who think they have the real McCoy when in fact they have some cheap, foreign copy. It's not unusual for us to receive "returns" of these inferior pourers from dissatisfied bar owners who think we made them.
We all realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but really, just because it looks like a Posi-Pour does not mean it works like a Posi-Pour.
Check your pourers, especially any that are falling apart or not pouring accurately, forĀ "Posi-Pour, Magnuson Industries" stamped on the bottom of the collar.
That's the genuine Made In USA by us pour spout. If the ID is not there - you've been taken.